Please provide us with helpful feedback or details of any issues you are having.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: By submitting your proposal and/or quote you (your company) warrant that all goods are manufactured and imprinted in complete compliance with all standards for safety and toxicity as established by the C.D.C., F.D.A., C.P.S.C. and Prop. 65 (for goods intended for delivery to California), as of the date of this proposal/quote. You agree to indemnify Kaeser & Blair, Inc., its employees and dealers from all liabilities, claims, actions, costs and/or expenses including reasonable attorney fees arising from the distribution of your goods that fail to meet the aforementioned standards. C.D.C. - US Center for Disease Control F.D.A. - US Food & Drug Administration C.P.S.C. - US Consumer Product Safety Commission Prop. 65 - The [California] Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
IMPORTANT NOTICE: By submitting your proposal and/or quote you (your company) warrant that all goods are manufactured and imprinted in complete compliance with all standards for safety and toxicity as established by the C.D.C., F.D.A., C.P.S.C. and Prop. 65 (for goods intended for delivery to California), as of the date of this proposal/quote. You agree to indemnify Kaeser & Blair, Inc., its employees and dealers from all liabilities, claims, actions, costs and/or expenses including reasonable attorney fees arising from the distribution of your goods that fail to meet the aforementioned standards.
C.D.C. - US Center for Disease Control F.D.A. - US Food & Drug Administration C.P.S.C. - US Consumer Product Safety Commission Prop. 65 - The [California] Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986